Minggu, 28 Mei 2017

What's wrong with me?

These words will surely come to our mind ,when we find things that are not in line with our expectation..
right...but before it we must start to corect ourself,why? maybe some of us just only thing that our expectation is the one and only the good one more than peolpe opinions..
Some of the things below you must have felt in your mind 

  1. Enjoying Everyone Is Impossible, So Do not Feel Guilty Just Because You Say 'No' When you agree with others, make sure you do not deny yourself. "-Paulo CoelhoDifferences that will cause each person has a different desire, even can be different 180 degrees. You alone can not always follow the will of all people, even though that is what you dream. Therefore, the best judgment will always come and end by yourself.
  2.  Feeling Guilty For Pursuing Dreams Is Not The Right Way To Live Your Life Only you alone are fully responsible for your life, just as others have in their own lives. This fact is often forgotten as more people come to color your life. First they will get to know you, then care about your life, and always want the best for you. Naturally, if you want to repay all their attention and kindness.
  3. Scheduling Time For Yourself Is Yours. Do not Feel Wrong For Running Your Rights.Your time is limited, like everyone else. But if you do not take your own time from time to time to relax, reflect, and reflect, you will easily sink and lose focus on all the demands of your life. If you keep dwelling and turning in a sea of people, you really will not be able to see anything well.
  4.  Principle Is Important, So Do not Feel Guilty When You Put First Things You Believe ImportantIt is your duty to work on your priorities. Only you have the right and responsibility to do it. Like others with their own priorities. So do not feel guilty to anyone if you hurry to do 'homework' in your life.
  5. Only God Has Answer Everything, So Do not Feel Guilty If At This Time You Are Still Wondering About What You Do Man is a place of limitations and shortcomings. But to keep in mind is the beauty of humans to be able to always learn and become better. But of course, it takes time. So do not expect you'll have all the answers you want in life.So do not feel guilty for yourself or others if you do not know the best way or make mistakes. Humans need such mistakes and ignorance to be able to learn. Be thankful for the opportunity to be better.
  6. Do not Feel Guilty When You Enjoy Your Hard Work Your affection for your family and your loved ones motivates you to work hard from day to day. Because they want to please and fulfill all their wishes, you do not mind taking overtime hours cutting your rest time. But sometimes your love can also make you forget with happiness and appreciation for yourself.Of course you can get happiness just by looking at the smiling smile on the face of the person you care about. But that does not mean you should feel guilty for occasionally enjoying your hard work for yourself. In addition to appreciating yourself, you will also get more spirit when you realize how important your hard work is.
  7. That Sure, You Do not Need to Feel Guilty For Other People's Errors No matter how much you care about a person, you should not feel guilty for the wrongdoing. Everyone must ultimately be responsible for their own actions. Of course, you can always share the burden of lighter or happiness to double. But the guilt variety has no benefit. It will only deepen the wound for both of you.

If the person you care about makes a mistake, immediately help him rise from adversity. Instead of drowning together into guilt.

Keep your heart out of all the overwhelming negative emotions, such as guilt.

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