Minggu, 04 Juni 2017

Succsess For People !

Good Evening guys nice to greet you here again...

this time I'm going to tell you about my opinion about success is become the for people around you and  who need you in their life .....
Such as his exceptional bill clinton in his glorious moments he lightened his hand to help the people of yogya.
Bill Gates, on April 5, 2014 and then visited Yogyakarta. The visit was related to the study of Eliminate Dengue, a dengue fever project, in the city concerned.but inside of it he also

To donate to the victims of dengue in the city...
for this aspiration I just wanna say that I am proud of the Richest man and I am not necessarily able to give as he is heartened to share his success for the needy.
In achieving success is difficult we have to go through various phases, sometimes even we will fall many times, but from the difficult struggle that we went through hard to rise when the collapse came but when we have successfully we will surely think that you miss the times of the pavement that ...But the reality is that you have passed it and made it the greatest teacher so all you have to do is share it with others as possible by helping them what they need, giving them good paths or direction so they can succeed like you and so on the most important thing to make yourself, Your success is beneficial for others ...If it says life does not have to be selfish, why so let's ask somebody to ask, share when you have more, then that's when you are enough to be meaningful to others ...Many people ignore people who are not in line with the principle without realizing that we are equal before the narrator but different in the world ..And can you imagine if you carry on your selfishness for the rest of your life in this world then we will not blend why so because you still think that you are better so ignore the people around you ..Finally I want to convey that imagine is if many people are successful in this world, and its success is also useful for people became no more complications in this world.So my friends i hope that you and me can imitate Mr.Bill Gates also his wife maybe not from success in If not in material terms at least from the social psyche they possess....
thank you...

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