Rabu, 07 Juni 2017

My happy happiness activities

Hi friends this time i will share about my happy childhood, where so banyal activities that i do that make me ask if it really i ever do in my childhood. Even though the question came out in my mind but i really happy to enjoy and To spend my childhood with very wonderful things and unlike the children of today who do activities that are not worthy of age are also doing activities that are opiate ..
Here are the activities I do in my childhood:

  • Catch fish in the paddy fields Yes, catch the fish in this ditch often we do hahahahhahahaha....we usually go fishing in the fields after school and the most memorable is the difficulty we catch and collect the fish after that we just throw it away in vain we just enjoy the activity not the result.  

  • Bathing in the river
    Hahahaha bathing in the river, this does not mean we lack of water ya guys but because we love nature too much so we regret if not utilize what is provided nature, and biasayan we bathed school uniforms lkoh guys hahahaha to come home to us with wet clothes .

I never forgotten  this activities and I was lucky one who ever done it in my childhood because I know now the children play or doing something doesn't  suitable for them.

Being Forgetful !

Being a forgetful does not only attack old age but also can attack at the Age of 30 years, this I quote from the story of my own. I realize conditions such as this, then I am accustom myself to write everything that dikerjakanya on a note.
I often forget about the little things for example forget to put something somewhere else, and still many more things that I do that makes people around me uncomfortable. If around You there are people like me then need to be aware of and immediately treat it. According to research, memory loss small this can be caused by several things, including :

  1. Stress which signifies the stress when the brain is working too hard so that it can slow down the process of encoding, storing and recalling information in the brain. If the problem is due to this, the best thing you can do to relieve stress first, here's how: as much as possible and solve the problem You, sleep enough, and go reflesing with a walk or sports.
  2. Depression a person who is experiencing Depression often are to the world and the thought itself.They also often think of the memories of the past and too concerned with their future.
  3. Thyroid Thyroid disorders have been known to affect (confusion) and mental inability to remember things for a long time, the solution is to do the treatment to treat thyroid problems.
  4. Overload people are becoming frequently forgetful due to the life-style is busy and excess information.
  5. Diet The one that caused your memory loss could be due to bad diet. Improper Diet can the body lacks essential vitamins and nutrition.
  6. Lack of sleep can also lead to not forget, but usually that can trigger lack of sleep is stress. if indeed you are lacking sleep at night, try to reward him with a nap. because the nap is also good to refresh Your mind.

I realized that the cause of the above is true there his for that I want to tell you all not to do the mistakes like Me.. 
Thank you so much for reading..

Minggu, 04 Juni 2017

Succsess For People !

Good Evening guys nice to greet you here again...

this time I'm going to tell you about my opinion about success is become the for people around you and  who need you in their life .....
Such as his exceptional bill clinton in his glorious moments he lightened his hand to help the people of yogya.
Bill Gates, on April 5, 2014 and then visited Yogyakarta. The visit was related to the study of Eliminate Dengue, a dengue fever project, in the city concerned.but inside of it he also

To donate to the victims of dengue in the city...
for this aspiration I just wanna say that I am proud of the Richest man and I am not necessarily able to give as he is heartened to share his success for the needy.
In achieving success is difficult we have to go through various phases, sometimes even we will fall many times, but from the difficult struggle that we went through hard to rise when the collapse came but when we have successfully we will surely think that you miss the times of the pavement that ...But the reality is that you have passed it and made it the greatest teacher so all you have to do is share it with others as possible by helping them what they need, giving them good paths or direction so they can succeed like you and so on the most important thing to make yourself, Your success is beneficial for others ...If it says life does not have to be selfish, why so let's ask somebody to ask, share when you have more, then that's when you are enough to be meaningful to others ...Many people ignore people who are not in line with the principle without realizing that we are equal before the narrator but different in the world ..And can you imagine if you carry on your selfishness for the rest of your life in this world then we will not blend why so because you still think that you are better so ignore the people around you ..Finally I want to convey that imagine is if many people are successful in this world, and its success is also useful for people became no more complications in this world.So my friends i hope that you and me can imitate Mr.Bill Gates also his wife maybe not from success in If not in material terms at least from the social psyche they possess....
thank you...

Kamis, 01 Juni 2017

The Differences Of Between Expect and Desire Wish and Hope?

before we conclude what are the Differences of Between Eexpect and Desire Wish and Hope, I'm Going to give you about the defenition of them one by one according to my Hope so that for the next time you can occcupay them according to your own aim..
  1. Expect is Something that comes from your mine and you don't know Does it already definetly.
  2.  Desire is something that comes from your heart that you want to apply in your life.
  3. Wish is same with Desire something either difficult to happen, or hard to.
  4. Hope is There is a possibility something may happen, or you may get something, and you want it to be true.
So after you know these defenition you should rdy to decide what is the good one you must do first if you want to do something in your life ,so that you Less likely to be lulled into what should not happen in your life ,in specialy for teenager that most of them do something without think the effect of something that we do.

The Power Of Gratitude

welcome guys long time not greeting you with my blog...I say sorry because I hve many aactivites lately..
for This time I'm going To tell you About "Gratitude"..
Okay guys... before I'm going so far about the Gratitude i Wnna sked you How Manny Times you do some activities that has been ending by Gratitude activities?
one more?;two more? or all of your aactivities alwys ended by Grtitude!
I Hope you're the one guys...
and if you're not the one of it, I will explain you maybe after you know about the power of the Gratitude so clearly you will able to do or to apply in your dailly Life..
but before it i would like to give you a quotation about The gratitude ! here is :
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”
~ Melody Beattie ~
here below some of the power of The Gratitude tht you neever Relize Before :
1. Be Thankful
Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
Be thankful when you don’t know something
Be thankful for the difficult times.
Be thankful for your limitations
Be thankful for each new challenge
Be thankful for your mistakes Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
2. Gratitude makes people like us
Gratitude makes us nicer, more trusting, more social, and more appreciative.
3.  Gratitude Makes Us Healthier


 4. Gratitude boots our career
Gratitude makes you a more effective Manager, helps you network, increases your decision making capabilities, increases your productivity, and helps you get mentors and proteges.
5. Gratitude Strengthens our emotions
Gratitude reduces feelings of envy, makes our memories happier, lets us experience good feelings, and helps us bounce back from stress.
6.  Gratitude Develops our Personality.
okay guys I think about The Power of Gratitude if you have Critics and Sugestion about your develop Gratitude in your life wee can share each other here ..
thankyou guys 👌

Minggu, 28 Mei 2017

What's wrong with me?

These words will surely come to our mind ,when we find things that are not in line with our expectation..
right...but before it we must start to corect ourself,why? maybe some of us just only thing that our expectation is the one and only the good one more than peolpe opinions..
Some of the things below you must have felt in your mind 

  1. Enjoying Everyone Is Impossible, So Do not Feel Guilty Just Because You Say 'No' When you agree with others, make sure you do not deny yourself. "-Paulo CoelhoDifferences that will cause each person has a different desire, even can be different 180 degrees. You alone can not always follow the will of all people, even though that is what you dream. Therefore, the best judgment will always come and end by yourself.
  2.  Feeling Guilty For Pursuing Dreams Is Not The Right Way To Live Your Life Only you alone are fully responsible for your life, just as others have in their own lives. This fact is often forgotten as more people come to color your life. First they will get to know you, then care about your life, and always want the best for you. Naturally, if you want to repay all their attention and kindness.
  3. Scheduling Time For Yourself Is Yours. Do not Feel Wrong For Running Your Rights.Your time is limited, like everyone else. But if you do not take your own time from time to time to relax, reflect, and reflect, you will easily sink and lose focus on all the demands of your life. If you keep dwelling and turning in a sea of people, you really will not be able to see anything well.
  4.  Principle Is Important, So Do not Feel Guilty When You Put First Things You Believe ImportantIt is your duty to work on your priorities. Only you have the right and responsibility to do it. Like others with their own priorities. So do not feel guilty to anyone if you hurry to do 'homework' in your life.
  5. Only God Has Answer Everything, So Do not Feel Guilty If At This Time You Are Still Wondering About What You Do Man is a place of limitations and shortcomings. But to keep in mind is the beauty of humans to be able to always learn and become better. But of course, it takes time. So do not expect you'll have all the answers you want in life.So do not feel guilty for yourself or others if you do not know the best way or make mistakes. Humans need such mistakes and ignorance to be able to learn. Be thankful for the opportunity to be better.
  6. Do not Feel Guilty When You Enjoy Your Hard Work Your affection for your family and your loved ones motivates you to work hard from day to day. Because they want to please and fulfill all their wishes, you do not mind taking overtime hours cutting your rest time. But sometimes your love can also make you forget with happiness and appreciation for yourself.Of course you can get happiness just by looking at the smiling smile on the face of the person you care about. But that does not mean you should feel guilty for occasionally enjoying your hard work for yourself. In addition to appreciating yourself, you will also get more spirit when you realize how important your hard work is.
  7. That Sure, You Do not Need to Feel Guilty For Other People's Errors No matter how much you care about a person, you should not feel guilty for the wrongdoing. Everyone must ultimately be responsible for their own actions. Of course, you can always share the burden of lighter or happiness to double. But the guilt variety has no benefit. It will only deepen the wound for both of you.

If the person you care about makes a mistake, immediately help him rise from adversity. Instead of drowning together into guilt.

Keep your heart out of all the overwhelming negative emotions, such as guilt.

Procedures And Stages Of Marriage Wedding Procession Customary Batak

This time I want to share marriage custom procedures in my tribe, I am very lucky because I was born as batak daughter. So I will share to you marriage procedure in our tribe:
The procedure of marriage is adat batak.One of Indonesia's invaluable treasures is culture and customs.Batak one of the tribe in indonesia that comes from sumatera utara.Suku Batak there are 6 types namely.Batak Toba, Batak Mandailing, Batak Simalungun, Batak Pakpak, Batak Angkola, Batak Karo.This time we discuss is the procedure of marriage customary Batak Toba.Secara outline wedding procedures in the customary tribe of Batak has many similarities.What if the bride from different Batak tribe? We need to know Batak tribe embrace Patrilineal system.And in all the Batak tribe the groom and his family are the hosts.Before we discuss the procedure of marriage in Batak custom, there is the need we know some of the terms pronouns property, the term for anyone who is in the customary event, because in Batak custom call someone politely should be preceded by a title that we call Tarombo.Contoh if we Have his uncle name Ucok.maka we must call or memnggilnya Uncle Ucok (Bataknya language Bone Ucok)Some of these terms are

  • Suhut (big family)Suhut parboru (family of the bride) Suhut Paranak (family of the groom) parboru (the bride's family) Paranak (family of the bridegroom) Hula-Hula (known as the King, the title to the bride's family women by the family of the bridegroom) Bones (brother of mother) Bone Rorobot (bones of his bride) Boru (daughter and her husband, a position in the customs are part of, or to bother) Hela (the designation for the groom by parents of the bride) parumaen (designation for the bride by oangtua bridegroom) parhata / King parhata (speaker or speakers at ceremonies, as well as monitoring the activities of the custom that no errors occur) Parhobas (word basic "hobas" = working, they are working in the customs, the crew can be called such) Panggoarci (alloyed music or snails, are optional)

Another stance that we must understand in the customary marriage procedure is Batak

  • Mangoli (married, sebutah married for men) Muli (married, married for women) Ulos (woven fabric Batak) Mandar (sarong) Mangulosi (giving ulos to ...) Tor-tor. (Typical dance Batak) Manortor (dancing tor-tor) Olop (cheerful) Mangolopi. (Is a verb. Make something that expresses joy, usually in the form of matter) Somba (admit, bow) Manomba (is a verb. Respectful) Hasahaton (endorsement, settlement) Gondang (drums, music accompaniment in the customary event) Gondangkon (alunkan gondang) Hobas (rushed) Uppasa. (Pantun) Dekke (goldfish) to be brought by the suhut Borne) Namarmiak (which is oily. For meat, like cattle, buffaloes and pigs. This is the brightness that must be given to suhut boru by suhut paranak) Jambar (appreciation of namarmiak, please note the part of namarmiak in adat batak has its own value Example of giving up the neck of the namarmiak call it a cow or pig of different grades by menye Part of the ribs or other parts) Pasu-pasu (blessing, the ingredients are blessed.Sinamot. (Angry or gold mating, or the value of the wedding gold that the groom's family must pay)
Customary marriage procedures Batak toba through a fairly long stage are :
  1. Marhori-hori dindingMarhori-hori wall is derived from the basic word hori-hori (groping) and the wall (or wall). So the meaning of marhori-hori wall is the introductory stage of the groom's family to the bride's family. Its place in the family residence of the bride. This is discussed is evidence of the bridegroom's seriousness that the groom and family have agreed and seriously will marry the prospective bride.Those who are on the show are.The parents of the bride and groom.While the bride while in the room, did not participate in the meeting before being called.There will be a long conversation, ranging from tarombo (surname of both sides)Until the ins and outs of the seeds, the weight of both candidates of bride and groom. After matching and not violating the clan rules, the family of the prospective bride will also assess the prospective bridegroom during their pacaran.Jika family of bride to agree and accept the introduction and agreed to marry both prospective bride The prospective bride will be summoned out and sitting next to His family. After the ceremony is completed the family of the groom will say on the day "x" (x = day date specified by the groom's family) they will come again to the family residence of the prospective bride .the family of the prospective bride already understood and understood about it. This is said to happen a match of time between the two parties in the next event.after approved and in yes it is the family of the prospective brideUp here the marhori-hori stage of the wall is declared completed and continued gradually marhusip.
  2. Marhusip.Marhusip is stage after marhori-hori dinding.Arti said marhusip is said husip basic meaning bisik.Marhusip (whispering).This is the stage where the family of the groom to come back to the family home, the bride's parents without the groom. appointed guardian is someone who is smart diplomacy and bernegoisisai.Guardian before leaving for home the bride was given the message of family groom, like the sinamot be offered, time and place of the next event as martuppol (see the martuppol), the implementation Pamasu-masuon (see the Pamasu -masuon)In this stage there will be an argument and bargaining everything.Horas that first greeting upon arrival guardian and family groom's, and then the family of the bride will ask what do the arrival of mereka.setelah know what do arrival of the groom is marhori-hori wall then the bride's family will call hula family bride, Dongan tubu (brother of the father of the bride), pariban, and boru of the bride.The contents of the discussion is about the value sinamot be offered, time and place of the traditional will be implemented, the number Ulos to prepare family groom, shelter, and matching their tradition (matching procedure customary discussed if both parties come from Batak different, example groom came from the Batak toba and the bride from Batak Simalungun)After all has been discussed and agreed and agreed to stage here marhori hori walls are completed and will proceed to the next stage.
  3. Martuppol.This stage is called pranikah.acara this isThe modified adat series as the entry of religion in northern sumatra region which is mostly Christianity.This is the inauguration of the covenant will carry out the marriage (pamasu-masuon) attended by both families of the bride and groom with his invitation.and confirmed by the pastor.The martoppol venue is in the church or at the residence of one of the families of the bride's second candidate.Martuppol is usually held 2 weeks before pamasu-masuon.hal it is an absolute rule, considering the church wedding rules can be declared can be implemented after being announced (in the language of batak called tikting) for 2 times in Gereja.tikting is made for the public intended whether there is a party Who objected or disapproved of the marriage.The first tikting is announced on a Sunday (two weeks before -H)The second tikting on the Sunday before the day of H.The question is why in tiktingkan in Gereja.perlu we know in batak society that majority embrace the Christian religion the best chance to mengumunkan things is in church, interrupted at the time of the worship service. After the martuppol event finished the family of both parties directly go back to their respective residence and Wait for 2 times tikting menggereja.jika the two bride candidates come from different church congregations then tikting in the public in both church and if they are the same church jaat enough in tiktingkan in their church.Up here martuppol event declared completed.
  4. MartonggoRaja
    Martonggo king was yielded from said base manrtonggo (prayer, hope, hope, desire, etc.) and king (King, elders)
    So the word is king martonggo vocabulary is the hope of the king.
    So the king martonggo Batak Toba event is customary activities berhimpunya actors customary to discuss the preparation of the preparation and the vision and mission of a custom event.
    So martonggo king in wedding preparations are discussed everything in the wedding ceremonies in Batak Toba.
    Martonggo king exercisable respectively both sides bride.
    The bride and groom prospective men carry in his residence and the bride perform at his residence as well.
    Martonggo event was held after the king martuppol on the sidelines for the time announcement tikting.
    This dilaksanakam because many things are going on in preparation for the peak custom wedding later.
  5. Marsibuaibuai
    The activities carried out at the residence of the bride, the groom's family came to pick up the bride groom perempuan.pihake will bring namarmiak to eat together in the event After the event finished eating both the family and the bride will go along to church to implement pamasumasuon
  6. Pamasu masuon
    Pamasu-masuon is the blessing of marriage. Which is performed in the church and approved by a pastor.
    After two occasions in the church and no one objecting or disagreeing on marriage can proceed.
    In Pamasu masuon this bride colon and prospective bride will pledge life semathan in front of the altar of the church witnessed congregations and clergy.
    This event is the same as the consent of kabul in the religion of Islam.
    After being legalized by the pastor to eat the prospective groom and the prospective bride has been legally a spouse, but not yet customary.

    Regular in this event the bride and groom took the ring exchange, this moment is optional.
    Up here pamasu masoun event otherwise completed.
  7. Marunjuk (traditional festivals, mangadati)
    It is a peak custom event held at the family residence of the groom, or a place already provided by paranak.
    The groom's family is the host, and the bride is a great guest.
  8. Boru pick hula hula.

    After Boru prepare everything from eating Boru paranak will pick Suhut paranak.Sesi the shuttle while in mar tor tor accompanied by snails.
  9. 2. Boru said kesiapanyaAfter the bride and family had a great paranak dijemput.boru will officially declare its readiness and will kebahagianya.boru mangolopi hula hula (Suhut paranak in the party) .and paranak will reply olop they olop
    3.Suhut paranak mejemput hula hoops (Suhut Boru)Suhut paranak ready, Boru returned to their respective positions as well crew.paranak wedding invite family Suhut Boru.
    4.Suhut paranak picked group of hula hoops (bones of paranak)Once completed in parboru shuttle and was sitting diacara, par son back to pick up the hula hula (bones)
    5.Tudu must-ni sipanganonAfter all parties present at the party of the custom, the parties will submit Suhut paranak must-must-must sipanganon.tudu ni ni sipanganon is pinahan Lobu, pigs and buffalo slaughtered and cut in potong-, later in the neat back .tudu-nisipanganon be handed over to the Suhut parboru, later parboru also be handed dekke simudur argues (carp are ready to eat and a neat layout)
    6.Jambar.This must-have sipanganon been submitted and in terima.kemudia should - should be in the nisipanganon for the party to its own according to the rules (the so-called division portion)
    7.Makan togetherPickles next meal togetherDiawalai eat with prayer
    8.Tumpakbatch isGugu contribution of all invitations relatives at the time of the event will take tersebut.pengantin its part to take a rest in the hand to parents paranak.
    9.SinamotThe next event is the delivery sinamot according kesepakan marhusip current value sinamot who agreed.After check in sinamotnya the parties will submit to paranak parboru.
    10.Ulos AirportUlos fly was prepared by parboru which will be submitted to the bride and paranak (agreed at the marhusip)Total Ulos Airport is set in each event.
    Some are fly Ulos
    Ulos Passamot.diberikan parents to the groom by the bride's parents Ulos hela.diberikan to newlyweds by the parents of the bride groom
    In addition Ulos haul, parents of the bride are also mandated to give (gloves) to groom, later used as a groom as Boru in the traditional bride's family (originally)
    Ulos meaning of each is different.Each gave Ulos Tahiri to give boras the pear is tondi.beras overhead receiver Ulos as a symbol and prayer as the meaning of any given Ulos
    11.MangulosiAfter the parents of the bride finished giving Ulos now flying time opportunity for all the parties to give Ulos couples.Start of hula, dongan Tubu, dongan Mahuta, paranak and parboru.
    12.Acara is the last event of bone groom.This is the last event in the custom, after the bones of the groom gives Ulos, boras the pear is tondi and prayer, the bone will lead the couple out of the customs of the house towards the groom.Home to the bridal couple will be welcomed and is valid as a couple customary.Just as the welcome for the bride and groom.Boras given back the pear is tondi.
    Until this wedding ceremonies are completed.
    The bride is rumah.di ceremonies still no repatriation process custom parboru to the residence.
    Paranak party will provide lunches for the family parboru journey to his home.
    Thus the wedding was Batak Toba, hereinafterThere will be additional ways again which is a custom glass weddingAs pale une stairs and manikkir.
translatw from : https://jeymars.wordpress.com/2015/08/28/tata-cara-pernikahan-secara-adat-batakprosedur-pernikahan-secara-adat-batak/